Paid RA Positions

Paid Research Assistant Positions

From time to time, paid RA positions become available in the Adult Development and Psychometrics Lab. Notices of available paid RA positions may be posted in this section of the lab website, sent out through the ECPS listserve, posted in the Depts. of ECPS and Psychology, and posted on the doors of Dr. Hubley’s office (Rm. 2316, Scarfe Bldg.) and the lab (Rm. 2405, Scarfe Bldg.). In addition, students with particular skill sets (e.g., interviewing skills, SPSS, psychological assessment, experience working with specific groups such as individuals who are homeless or who are elderly) or interests related to the lab (e.g., neuropsychology, homelessness, age identity) may send a brief cover letter and CV/resume to Dr. Hubley via e-mail at She will keep this information on file and contact you if an appropriate position becomes available.

Current Positions?

There are no paid RA positions being advertised at this time.