University links
Department of ECPS
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Research Ethics
Introductory Tri-Council Tutorial for Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans
Office of Research Services
Outside links
Adulthood, aging, and gerontology resources
Administration on Aging (AoA)
Alliance for Aging Research
American Psychological Association (APA) – Division 20
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE)
B.C. Ministry – Office for Seniors
Canada’s Association for the 50 Plus (CARP)
Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG)
Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA)
Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
Health Canada – Division of Aging and Seniors
National Advisory Council on Aging
National Aging Information and Referral Support Center
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
AgeWork (Opportunities in the Aging Field)
Society for Research in Adult Development
Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
Adulthood, aging, and gerontology journals
Adultspan Journal: Development through Young, Middle, and Older Adulthood
Age and Ageing
Ageing and Society
Aging & Mental Health
Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition
Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Canadian Journal on Aging
Clinical Gerontologist
Educational Gerontology
Experimental Aging Research
Experimental Gerontology
The Gerontologist
Gerontology and Geriatrics Education
Gerontology: International Journal of Experimental & Clinical Gerontology
Human Development
International Journal of Aging and Human Development
Journal of Adult Development
Journal of Aging and Health
Journal of Aging and Identity
Journal of Aging and Social Policy
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Journal of Clinical Geropsychology
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Journal of Women and Aging
Journals of Gerontology
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
Psychology and Aging
Research on Aging
Alzheimer disease
Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR)
Alzheimer Society of B.C.
Alzheimer Society of Canada
Alzheimer Research Forum
Applied measurement and psychometrics
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Buros Mental Measurements
TestLink (ETS Test Locator)
International Test Commission (ITC)
Museum of Psychological Instruments (“Brass Instruments”)
National Council for Measurement in Education (NCME)
Testing International
Alliance to End Homelessness
Calgary Homeless Foundation
Canadian Homelessness Research Network
Dans la Rue
End Homelessness Now
European Observatory on Homelessness
Homeless Hub
Homelessness Partnering Strategy
Mental Health Commission
Pivot Legal Society
Provincial Homelessness Initiative
Raising the Roof
Street to Home
Surrey Homelessness and Housing
Homelessness journals
European Journal of Homelessness
Journal of Hunger and Poverty
Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless
Measurement, Psychometrics, and Assessment Journals
Applied Measurement in Education
Applied Psychological Measurement
Educational and Psychological Measurement
Educational Assessment
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
International Journal of Testing
Journal of Educational Measurement
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Psychological Assessment
International Neuropsychological Society (INS)
National Academy of Neuropsychology
Neuropsychology Central
Neuropsychology journals
Applied Neuropsychology
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
Child Neuropsychology
The Clinical Neuropsychologist
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Developmental Neuropsychology
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Neuropsychology Review
American Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
Internet Mental Health
Medline – Public Access (PubMed)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary/Thesaurus OnLine
Quality of life
Australian Centre on Quality of Life Measures
CDC Health-Related Quality of Life Measures
Health-Related Quality of Life Measures
International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL)
International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS)
RAND Corporation
World Health Organization (WHO)
Quality of life journals
Applied Research in Quality of Life
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Quality of Life Research
Social Indicators Research
Research funding organizations
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
National Institute of Health (NIH) Grants
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada